For the first time, all of the group’s titles and publishing platforms are edited in one room, according to the principle “online to print.” Thus the focus of the operation is digital, with the production of Welt Online and all mobile content offerings – seven days per week, 24 hours a day – at the center.
The second “speed” is the daily production of the newspapers Die Welt, Die Welt Kompakt and Die Welt Aktuell, and the third is the weekly production of Welt am Sonntag and Welt am Sonntag Kompakt.
Some 100 editorial staffers are situated in the room. Reporters and writers continue to be housed in separate quarters.
According to Welt Group’s Editor-in-Chief Jan-Eric Peters, the new arrangement renders communication in the editorial team quicker and more immediate, saving time that will be invested in the planning and execution of news coverage.
Said Peters, “Our new newsroom is an investment in journalistic quality. The point is not new furniture or technological eye-candy but rather optimal editorial working processes for our numerous multimedia titles. Our goal is not more news stories, but better ones.”
A video of the facility is available (in German) on the Die Welt site, and the German site Meedia has an interview with Peters about the new newsroom.