
What can newspapers learn from magazines?

Samir Husni, a professor at the Magazine Innovation Center at the University of Mississippi, USA, is also known as “Mr. Magazine” ( At the Printing Summit 2014 in Munich, he gives the audience from the newspaper community a look over the fence into the magazine market – which is not too different from the newspaper market in many aspects.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | March 19, 2014

Husni identifies a number of problems: “Our problem is not ink or paper; we are the problem… Newspapers are not dying. However, some are committing suicide!” he says. “The newspaper industry is preaching its own death.”

The media landscape is changing as the audience evolves from a mass market to a mass audience of one (individuals), he says.

Husni’s ‘secrets for success’: “Start thinking about audience first! Focus on your customer!” and “Don’t put all your money into digital. You have to have a second screen, but keep print in your multimedia offer.”

“If your newspaper is sufficient, necessary and relevant, you will have a bright future,” he says.

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