“Newspaper relationships are getting stronger, not weaker,” Newbery said. “That’s good for advertisers.”
“Having a relationship with a newspaper is not the same as with a website,” she said.
With the rise of digital, readers are exposed more to online news, changing the relationship audiences have with newspaper.
“We are actively looking for readers to go from a casual one-night-stand with the newspaper into a long-term relationship or actual marriage with newspaper,” says Newbery.
Studies show readers of The Times in the UK, on average, have an ongoing relationship with the newspaper for 20 years, which is longer than the average marriage in UK (about 12 years), Newbery said.
“You are more likely to stay married to The Times than your other half,” she said.
Newbery said recall and relationship building with readers strengthens with exposure to both newspapers and tablet news. The convenience of the tablet contributes to this strengthened recall.
Utilising both print and tablet news broadens the reach of content, benefiting both publishers and advertisers.
The newspaper industry needs to “stop talking ourselves down,” she said, and added: “Let’s not talk about digital all the time.”
Report by Nolan Miles. Photo by Brie Logsdon.