Less than two months old but already boasting a library of over one million videos (with 250 more added daily) Viewmy.tv is a global video hub for digital publishers pulling in content in eight languages for 12 categories from big names including Al Jazeera, Press TV, the Press Association, and France 24.
You might ask just why the world needs another video hub when all of the above organisations are busy promoting their own content, but founder Stephen Ong replies that in part this is targeting; “AFP might go to De Telegraaf but they aren’t going to Singapore Telecom [a recent Viewmy.tv signing]” and in part this is the service they offer; “we handle all the legal side with sign offs on all rights.”
There is another key angle to the offering however – the guaranteed ROI built into the fee structure. ““We structure the prices so that we know the customers are always making a positive ROI of over 250 percent.”
This means that they Viewmy.tv is as much of relevance to a fashion blogger looking for catwalk content as it is to major publisher since the flexibility of a pay-as-you-go model means that publishers only pay more if they are making more in return. “It’s particularly good for providers who mostly do news but with a little sport for example. They don’t have enough sport to promote that as a product and sell it as a category in itself but by teaming up with video content from elsewhere they can do that.”