Trends in Newsrooms 2015 canvases the views of over 50 international editors, journalists and digital experts – from the US and the UK, to the Philippines and Nigeria.
Among the nine trends we’ve identified in the process are:
- The surge of chat apps
- The impacts of source protection erosion in the digital age
- The podcasting renaissance
- The future of gamification
Read our detailed analysis of these, and the five other trends we’ve examined, in the book of essays and practical tips we’ve curated.
We have also highlighted five thought leaders in Q&As that showcase the thinking and practice of ground-breaking news leaders. Heading the pack, is The Guardian‘s outgoing Editor-in-Chief Alan Rusbridger, with‘s CEO and Editor Maria Ressa, The Washington Post‘s Executive Editor Martin Baron, Zero Hora‘s Marta Gleich and Upworthy‘s Amy O’Leary.
Trends in Newsrooms 2015 will be launched on June 2nd at the World Editors Forum event during the World News Media Congress in Washington DC. You can collect your printed version of the book during Congress, or download it here after launch.
Meanwhile, you can follow the discussion about #TrendsinNewsrooms online.
Image: Ivan Cosic, Plain and Hill