The goal of the tours is to help participants more easily investigate a variety of cross-media publishing systems and get better acquainted with a variety of solutions being shown by suppliers in Hamburg.
Participants were then guided to several stands of providers of editorial solutions for brief presentations about the systems each supplier offers in order to get a general idea of their solution and whether it might be a good fit for the participant’s own publishing house.
WAN-IFRA Global Advisory Services is again partnering with consulting firm Kirchner + Robrecht to organise the two tours (the second takes place Monday at 17:00). David Best, Consultant at Kirchner + Robrecht, is leading both tours.
Best also wrote a related story for the Sept-Oct 2015 issue of WAN-IFRA’s World News Publishing Focus, which can be found here.
For more information about the tours, please contact WAN-IFRA’s Nicole Frankenhauser at
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