
DMJX Media Maker Space: where the Danish School of Media and Journalism meets its community

The Media Maker Space is deliberately not called a ‘Lab’, because they’re looking for co-creation rather than grand solutions.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | August 23, 2017

The Danish School of Media and Journalism in Copenhagen launched the Media Maker Space in May 2017 in an attempt to further promote collaboration with its community. A new in strategy was decided on in 2016 and a main point in this strategy was to create a space to experiment that would be different from what they were doing in the classroom. Where they would be able to work across skills, functions, disciplines and work with people outside of the school.

“The Maker Space is deliberately not called a ‘Lab’,” explains DMJX Director Trine Nielsen, “because a Lab implies something you walk into, that is very sterile and where you have some experts sitting together looking for the grand solution. Instead the Maker Space is looking for user-driven innovation, by embracing user-experience and co-creation.”

With the Media Maker Space comes a Facebook page instead of a website, as this is more naturally oriented toward interaction and participation than the one-to-many format of a website.

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This is one of the cases collected as part of the ongoing Media Innovation Mapping project, a collaboration between WAN-IFRA’s Global Alliance for Media Innovation and the Media Innovation Studio at UCLan. Read about the 30+ Media Labs we talked to so far or contact us to share your story.

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