
Podcast: Investigative journalism in Africa: A necessary expense

2021-12-15. Join us for the latest episode of The Backstory Media Freedom podcast as we explore how investigative journalism across Africa gets done – from new financing models to journalist safety, we examine the relationship between legacy media and new investigative platforms, and explore how journalists are managing the stresses of the job and avoiding burnout.

by Andrew Heslop | December 15, 2021

Season 4, Episode 3: Investigative journalism is the lifeblood of media, but it is also the most expensive element of any media operation. Yet even as resources to produce investigations dwindle, journalists in Africa continue to dedicate themselves to in-depth reporting into the most serious issues on the continent. Donor-funded investigative centres or platforms have been created to fill in the gaps of legacy media, which often struggle to support this kind of journalism. But are these centres stripping the media companies of their investigative talents, or are they filling badly needed holes? And how hard is it to actually get the job done?

In this episode:

The Backstory production team is Andrew Heslop, Mariona Sanz, Colette Davidson and Sarah Elzas, who edited and mixed the episode.

Music in this episode: Something Elated by Broke for Free.

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