
Snehasis Roy: ‘Back to business’ is key priority for Times of India

2022-05-25. In this latest instalment of our ongoing interview series with leading industry experts, Snehasis Roy, Director – Technical of Bennett Coleman Co Ltd., which publishes The Times of India in Mumbai, talks with us about production quality, Artificial Intelligence and supply chain issues.

by Ingi Olafsson | May 25, 2022

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WAN-IFRA: Your newspaper has one of the largest circulations in India. What are your main priorities for this year?
Snehasis Roy: 'Back to business’ for our newspapers is the key priority in fiscal year 2022-23. With the Indian economy booming post pandemic, we see the demand for advertisements in newspapers coming back. Balancing the re-growth of circulation in key markets across audience will be a priority, too.
Production quality has been quite high at The Times of India, how do you maintain this? And what are some of the challenges in trying to further improve it?
Production quality has always been a key focus for our publications. We cater to the premium audience with better advertising rates. Our clients expect good visual reproduction of their creatives. Excellence in colour reproduction and consistency across geography calls for systems orientation as opposed to local brilliance. Further improvement is achieved with product innovations and by the use of premium substrates. However, availability and lead time for non-standard SKU has remained a challenge.
Artificial Intelligence is on the rise in newsrooms, do you see some potential for using it in newspaper production?
Yes, we were working on a few projects on AI that have taken a back seat due to pandemic challenges.
How has the breakdown of supply chains been affecting your company?
It has been a challenging time since December last year with import of most of our newsprint supply. Wa...

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