WAN-IFRA: When did you begin working in the industry?
Audun Solberg: I started working at a local newspaper in the city where I grew up in 1991. I have been fortunate enough to be able to work in the industry ever since.
How does your company tackle the paper challenges?
In several ways: We are constantly working with our print and distribution partners to look for any savings that can be made and are cooperating closely with other newspapers and parts of the company. We are also working to develop our e-newspaper to be a supplement to our healthy, digital subscription business.
Is your market facing difficulties in distribution?
Yes, distribution cost is by far the biggest long-term concern for us. Norway's geography isn't perfect for keeping costs of distribution low. Luckily, our owner Schibsted has invested a lot in a parcel business that is steadily growing and is a major factor in helping us to have more control over the cost than we otherwise would have.
How is your company attracting new talents?
Our standing as the maker of trustworthy journalism and a force for change is a very good foundation for attracting new talents.
Where do you see the most growth potential for newspaper printers?
There is still a demand for specialised editions on several topics. Also, our backlog is phenomenal and there is no shortage of content that we can use and reuse.
What was your recent technology/hardware investment, and why?
Page automation from Aptoma is a new tool for making newspa...
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