Currently Armando is Digital Director of Del Heraldo de México and Director of Inventiva GA (Advertising Agency). Inventiva GA (Advertising Agency)He has worked in different companies such as Unilever, Chrysler, Nissan. He is a professor of Competitive Intelligence, marketing and marketing strategy in Masters, specialties and undergraduate courses at and bachelor’s degrees at UP for the last 10 years.
He publishes a column in the newspaper Heraldo de México about the digital world.
MBA from Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, Spain and holds a Master’s degree in Integral Communication from Univ. Communication from Univ. Complutense de Madrid and has a B.A. in Administration and Marketing from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Administration and Marketing from Universidad Panamericana.
She has worked at Unilever, managing the Knorr Suiza brand, at Daimlaer Chrysler Spain, at Infoadex Spain among others. He also co-founded two e-commerce and