DD Purkayastha

Global Media Leader; Author; Former MD & CEO, ABP, India

D.D Purkayastha is a veteran in the media industry, where he spent more than four decades. He was the Managing Director & CEO of one of the largest media groups in India, ABP for 14 years. He retired from an executive role in 2021 and is, at present, a Non-Executive Director at ABP. During his tenure at ABP, he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Audit Bureau of Circulation and was the Deputy President of the Indian Newspaper Society. He was on the Board of MRUC and INMA. He is a Board member of the largest global media association, WAN-IFRA, and a member of its nominating committee.

His professional domain is at the intersection of Media, Finance and IT. He is a Cost & Management Accountant and IT specialist.