Journalist with a BA in Philosophy and Literature in Los Andes University (Bogotá), MA
in Science and Journalism from Boston University, and PHD in Education and Society
(from Barcelona University) focus on evaluation and uses of digital technology. For more
than forty years he has worked in Journalism and he has been teacher on that field in
several universities. In the prestigious colombian newspaper El Espectador he worked in
the newsroom as reporter, correspondent, editor, columnist and chief of information, he
interacted with the advertising and marketing departments and dealt with business
He also managed the renovation of the paper in its 100 year celebration. He was
an scholarship in advanced studies and media administration, and he won the Premio
Simón Bolívar de Periodismo as part of a team of reporters. Advisor in strategic communication for more tan 15 years actually Juan works as researcher and professor at Universidad del Norte, in Barranquilla, Colombia where he also coordinates de Master in Journalism program.