D. in Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Master in Advanced Studies in Communication from the same university and Social Communicator from the Javeriana University. Javeriana University. She has been director of the Magazín Dominical of El Espectador, director of the Media the Media Unit of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and consultant on freedom of expression issues. freedom of expression. She has been awarded the Simón Bolívar National Journalism Prize on three and Medal for Artistic and Cultural Merit to outstanding Women in Art and Culture.
Author of the book “Violence against journalists. Configuration of the phenomenon, methodologies and intervention mechanisms of international organizations for the defense of freedom of expression”. Co-author of “Cultural Journalism”, “Memoria Impresa”, “Juego Limpio”, “Medios y Nación: Historia de los medios de Nación: Historia de los medios de comunicación en Colombia”, “Comunicarnos sin daño: Convivencia y salud mental”, and editor of the book “Tinta indeleble. Guillermo Cano: life and work”.
She is a university professor of journalistic ethics, cultural journalism, science journalism and journalistic research. journalism and investigative journalism. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Language at the Universidad Javeriana.