Mijal Iastrebner is a journalist, entrepreneur, teacher and Executive Director of SembraMedia, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has worked as a professor in Journalism Master’s programs at La Nación and Torcuato Di Tella University in Argentina, and as part of the Journalism Diploma at the University of San Andrés. She also developed the Entrepreneurial Journalism program for the School of Journalism TEA. In 2016, Mijal participated as an instructor in the Entrepreneurial Journalism MOOC at the Texas University of Journalism in Austin. She began her journalistic career launching her own magazine at age 22 and leading a team of 20 people. At the age of 24, she started working as a digital startup consultant, specialising in monetisation and management. She has also worked for international companies such as Coca-Cola in their online education and brand development projects. In 2015, she co-founded SembraMedia with Janine Warner, and has since managed an international team of journalists, researchers, consultants and developers.