Sanat Hazra

Board Member, World Printers Forum, USA

Sanat Hazra worked for the Times of India for 10 years as a Technical and Production Director, initiating Print Innovation program. The stellar performance achieved, significantly contributing to advertising revenue. Prior to joining Times of India, Sanat worked 14 years for the New York Times, as Executive Director managing all print production and technology across USA. He was instrumental in converting the New York Times to color from black and white. His first job was with Crosfield Data System, as a material science engineer developing direct imaging thermal plates.

Sanat earned BS degree in Photographic Science and Engineering, and MS in Printing Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He also attended Dartmouth University studying Corporate Leadership and Leadership in Innovation.

Currently, he lives in Sarasota, Florida and he is on the board of WAN-IFRA technical committee and BRBNMPL, a subsidiary of Federal Bank of India. He also guides and mentors innovation projects for startups.

Sanat is moderating one of the roundtables on capital investments at World Printers Summit 2024. Do not miss out – register for the Summit!