15 - 17 March 2022

Middle Eastern Media Leaders eSummit


March 15 Tuesday


Official Welcome

14:00 UAE · 13:00 KSA · 12:00 Egypt

Welcome from WAN-IFRA:

Director Middle East, WAN-IFRA

Welcome from the region:

Chairman & Publisher, AlGhad Newspaper, Jordan

Welcome from the host:

Senior Vice President, Dubai Media City (DMC), Dubai Studio City (DSC) and Dubai Production City (DPC), UAE

News media business after print?

14:20 UAE · 13:20 KSA · 12:20 Egypt

Join us on a discussion with leading media figures from the Middle East to discuss how the news media business will look like in 5 years from now. What’s the business model after print?

Strategic Advisor, Author, Speaker & Senior Research Fellow, Reuters Institute, Oxford University, UK
CEO of Press Sector at Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI), UAE
Chairman & Publisher, AlGhad Newspaper, Jordan
Chairman, Majarra, UAE

Machine made – Can AI in local news organisations support long-term business sustainability?

15:30 UAE · 14:30 KSA · 13:30 Egypt


Robot journalism – strengthening local journalism?

Online Editor, Stavanger Aftenblad, Norway

Sharing Data for Advanced User Insights and Personalization

The project DRIVE is the largest data based cooperation of news publishers in Europe. More than 20 publishers share their user data in real time on a common data platform. AI based tools enable sophisticated user analysis and advanced tools like personalization of the news site and the paywall. We give you an insight into the project and the main results.

Managing Partner, Schickler, Germany

CLOSING KEYNOTE: The future of News: Building the future of journalism today

Director of Product at WNYC and Senior Expert Adviser at the Future Today Institute, USA

March 16 Wednesday


Part 1: Are you really listening to what your customers are saying?

14:00 UAE · 13:00 KSA · 12:00 Egypt

Learn from publishers how using a data-driven and audience-centric decisions are helping them to create new products.

Moderator of the day:

Digital Transformation Specialist, Denmark / Member of WAN-IFRA Expert Panel
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From content-centric to audience-centric

Gaurav Sachdeva, Chief Product Officer, Singapore Press Holdings, provides insights how knowing your audience helps creating products to meet real needs. Find out how understanding audience trends and habits helps to inform one’s new product portfolio – with surprising results.


Chief Product Officer, SPH Media Ltd, Singapore

Using Multi-Year Data to Analyze Reader Trends and Plan for 2022

14:45 UAE · 13:45 KSA · 12:45 Egypt

Content strategies have had to evolve and adapt over and over again during the past two years. Combined with continuing uncertainty as we look ahead, it makes planning for 2022 a real challenge.
In this webinar, we’ll cover:
  • Reader trends across our network from 2019-2021
  • How to compare the past two years with pre-pandemic data
  • Strategies for engaging readers during another year of unknowns
Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany
Customer Success Manager (Channel Partner Asia), Chartbeat
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Solutions showcase

15:15 UAE · 14:15 KSA · 13:15 Egypt

Looking for new digital tools for your workplace? Heard of solutions that other publishers use? The Solutions Showcase is where you’ll get the opportunity to get a peek at the tools and technology others are talking about. Each speaker will present a 5-minute demo, after which you are welcome to visit their booth at our virtual exhibition, collect brochures and links, and even have a text chat or face-to-face online call with them!

Deputy Sales Director, Global Events, WAN-IFRA
Sales Director APAC, MEA, UK&I, Lineup Systems
General Manager, Piano Software
Customer Success Manager (Channel Partner Asia), Chartbeat

Part 2: Are you really listening to what your customers are saying?

15:35 UAE · 14:35 KSA · 13:35 Egypt

Digital Transformation Specialist, Denmark / Member of WAN-IFRA Expert Panel

Driving a value proposition with messaging and moments

A look into how the Guardian has built a value proposition from listening to their customers and using data insights to drive reader revenue growth in both their day-to-day marketing and large scale campaigns.

Deputy Director, Global Supporter Strategy, The Guardian, UK

Searching for new audiences

Keeping audiences and subscribers is very important for news organisations. But if they want to grow up, they must look for new audiences. And each new audience, needs a special strategy.

Digital Editor, Les Echos, France

The strategic role of IT in the digital transformation of publishers – and why the question of "build OR buy“ is outdated.

Head Publishing Technologies & Solution, Ringier AG, Switzerland

March 17 Thursday


Boosting long-term revenue through subscription models

14:00 UAE · 13:00 KSA · 12:00 Egypt

Engaging content has long been important for news publishers. However after the pandemic began in 2020, it became essential for attracting and keeping audiences that were suddenly spending far more time at home and online. As WNP recently noted, this helped subscription rates soar to record highs for some publishers. They also cited Zuora’s “End of Ownership” report, which found that 77% of UK adults have signed up to subscription services, nearly 60 percent more than five years ago.

Consultant, Digital Age Consulting, Germany / Member of WAN-IFRA Expert Panel
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Successful and dynamic subscription model: a one-year milestone

AVP, Global Performance Marketing Shared Services, Asia, Manulife, Hong Kong

Innovation in newsrooms

14:45 UAE · 13:45 KSA · 12:45 Egypt

Innovation has never been more crucial to our news industry as it is now and we at Google know that.
In light of the launch of Middle East, Turkey & Africa Google News Initiatives Innovation challenge this year, we have curated a panel of selected publishers from different sizes and regions to tell us more about their journey and their approach to innovation. The session will have time for Q&A so bring your questions with you!
Head of Google News Initiative Innovation
Editor In Chief, The National, UK
Editorial Director, TelQuel, Morocco
Publisher, Raseef22, Lebanon
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Leading digital transformation in the Middle East – What’s next?

15:45 UAE · 14:45 KSA · 13:45 Egypt

Which business models will work for the Middle East? This panel will discuss positive learnings but also pain points when planning to set up a Digital Subscription Strategy.

Consultant, Digital Age Consulting, Germany / Member of WAN-IFRA Expert Panel
Chief Content Officer, Majarra, UAE
Head of Digital Products, Al Nisr Publishing, UAE
Editor-in-Chief, Egyptian Streets, Egypt
Executive Editor, Al Nisr Publishing, UAE

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