Newsroom Guide: Journalism in the Age of Pandemics

2021-01-13. The World Editors Forum launched a digital handbook for 2021 to help journalists, editors and newsrooms navigate COVID-19 and future health crises.

by Simone Flueckiger | January 13, 2021

Download the Journalism in the Age of Pandemics Newsroom Guide

Designed to help you navigate 2021, the new newsroom guide is a distillation of expert views and advice, drawn from the World Editors Forum Science in the Newsroom project. It covers newsgathering, storytelling, innovation, and will help you think about the immediate future.

“Our newsrooms were been challenged like never before in 2020 with a complex, fast-moving story of a global crisis demanding all our focus and journalistic skill. COVID-19 struck at a time when science reporting skills, and indeed general newsroom capacity, had been eroded in many newsrooms by resource constraints. The economic fallout risks further weakening newsrooms, but the pandemic has shown the need for, and value of good journalism, not least by authoritative science correspondents,” said Warren Fernandez, Editor in Chief of the Straits Times and President of the World Editors Forum.

“The handbook, made possible by support from the Temasek Foundation, is a contribution from the World Editors Forum to helping newsrooms develop and enhance key skills. We hope it is of value and we encourage you to share it widely,” said Fernandez.

For additional resources, visit the Science in the Newsroom website.