Report: Pricing Strategies

Price: One of the four “P’s” of Marketing, along with product, promotion and “place”, or distribution.

Report: New Revenue Strategies

The inexorable fragmentation of media in the modern era presents a daunting challenge for traditional media companies.

Report: Outsourcing

It seems like the whole corporate world is outsourcing, but is it right for the newspaper industry?

Report: Digital Classifieds Survey

Both good news and bad news mark the global print-online classifieds landscape, according to the World Association of Newspaper’s third annual Digital Classified Survey.

Report: New Editorial Concepts

As the media landscape changes, the most innovative companies are changing along with it.

Where NEWS? Report 1: Business Models of Newspaper Publishing Companies

The long successful newspaper business model is under pressure. Advertising and reader markets are mature or are declining in large parts of the world.

Report: Automatic image processing of EXIF-JPEG news photos

Today, news photos all come from digital cameras and have the same basic digital data structure.

Report: RGB in the newspaper prepress

This report had two objectives: on the one side, the aim was to discuss the most suitable RGB colour space for newspaper printing and, on the other side, to examine which RGB colour space should be assumed in the unfortunately common case of pictures with a missing RGB specification.

Report: The colorimetric description of production tolerances in newspaper printing

In September 2004, the revision of the ISO 12647-3 newspaper printing standard entered its final draft stage.

Report: The MINDS project

In December 2003 the EU MINDS project (Mobile Information and News Data Services for 3G and beyond) was given the official go-ahead by the European Union in Luxembourg.