Protestors at opening

At the opening of the 64th World Newspaper Congress and 19th World Editors Forum, protestors wave signs criticizing the Ukrainian government’s media policy.

Press Independence is in the Details

Sometimes press freedom is not a result of big, overarching issues, but of ensuring that many small things are properly respected.

Trevor Ncube on NewsDay, press freedom and mobile in Africa

I interviewed Trevor Ncube, Chairman of Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) in Harare, during the 2009 World Newspaper Congress in Hyderabad, India, just months before his company was about to launch NewsDay, the only independent daily newspaper in Zimbabwe. Ncube will be speaking at this year’s Congress to update us on AMH’s new newspaper but also on other developments in Africa, so it was a good time to catch up with him to see how the company’s projects are developing.

“The future is open:” Guardian’s Andrew Miller

“The future is open,” said Andrew Miller, CEO of the Guardian Media Group, at WAN-IFRA’s Digital Media Europe conference in London.

Building digital products that people are willing to pay for

“I am bored sick of talking about paywalls,” said Tom Whitwell, editorial director of Times Digital. “Instead of debating payment models we need to learn how to build digital products that people are willing to pay for,” he continued.

Making a nationwide paywall work

Tomorrow it will be one year since Piano Media launched Slovakia’s national paywall, and today CEO Tomas Bella announced that the company has secured €2 million in funding from a 3TS Capital Partners’ Cisco-backed fund.

Create a digital offer your reader can’t refuse

2012-04-17. All publishers will have to reconsider about how much content they can afford to give away free online, said Marja-Leena Tuomola, chief digital officer at Sanoma News and Sanoma Media. Sanoma is the biggest Finnish media company, reaching 88% of all Finns and 91% of those between 25 and 44, Tuomola said at Digital Media Europe 2012.

Case Study: HBO’s innovative solutions for cost effective online content distribution

2011-11-24. Sushil Kamampati is a Digital Media and Pay TV strategist in India. In his speech today, he introduces some innovative solutions for cost effective online content distribution with the example of HBO.

Golden Pen of Freedom Awarded to Swedish-Eritrean Journalist

2011-10-13. Dawit Isaak, who left Sweden for Eritrea to help build the country’s independent press — and was imprisoned for his efforts – has been awarded the 50th anniversary Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom prize of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).

The 2011 World Young Reader Prizes: About the winners

2011-08-17. WAN-IFRA’s annual World Young Reader Prize competition honors innovative newspapers that have devised the best project or activity to attract young readers. In all, the prizes honored 24 projects all over the world in 2011, with top winners from Brazil, Indonesia, India, Portugal, The Philippines and the United States.