Aleksandra Sobczak

Deputy editor-in-chief, Gazeta Wyborcza; Head of strategy and development in , Poland

Aleksandra Sobczak is deputy editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza and Head of strategy and development in Her career in journalism started in Polish public television TVP, as a reporter at the economic desk. She has been working at Wyborcza for 18 years, as an editor of the economic desk at the beginning, and then as its head. As the deputy editor-in-chief of Wysokie Obcasy women’s magazine she was responsible for the development of the website. When managing the Warsaw edition of Wyborcza she launched the Warsaw Magazine. As the deputy editor-in-chief of Gazeta Wyborcza she is responsible for the homepage, the economy, science and health desks, for the Wysokie Obcasy magazine, for data journalism and for video and podcasts. She gives particular attention to the media’s mission as the fourth estate of democracy, thus strengthening civil society and respect for human rights and combatting misinformation. At the moment, her greatest professional interest is emerging AI-based technologies.