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The Table Stakes programme is designed to accelerate the transition of journalism from print to digital, to help newsrooms change their practices, reach new audiences and better engage their communities. Since 2019, a total of 57 news publishers have participated in Table Stakes Europe, structured around 7 core principles for digital sustainability, and above all, audienceS first. Read on for the stories of some of those teams.
We’ve assigned all the case studies from Table Stakes Europe to specific topics. As we add more content and case studies, we’ll expand the range of Topics and sub-topics!
estimated reading time 6 minutes
The Austrian state-funded news publisher closed its printed paper during the Table Stakes Europe programme and overhauled its website and newsroom and used audience-focused experiments to test different formats of telling stories. The key goal: to reinvent public service journalism in Austria by moving away from the legacy of centuries-old print notifications to the boundless opportunities of deploying digitally-delivered news and information needed by Austrian audiences to make their lives better.
estimated reading time 6 minutes
Change and transformation are inevitable for publishers when the threat is huge. But for Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), there was no threat – at least in terms of digital subscriptions. Germany’s biggest quality daily newspaper had already undergone profound changes in recent years – and was able to increase its subscriber base month after month – already before it joined Table Stakes Europe.
estimated reading time 6 minutes
The choice of target audiences within the framework of their Table Stakes Europe project quickly became evident to the Rossel Est Médias team. Operating in a region deeply attached to Champagne production, the group decided to address “those who make the wine and those who love it.”
estimated reading time 4 minutes
The Finnish local newspaper overhauled its entire newsroom based on lessons learned from successful audience-focused experiments. The key objective: to better engage new, younger digital subscribers. “Everything we do, every day, should only be things that support our goals. We have tried to build a structure that forces us to do that,” said
Jyrki Utriainen, Karjalainen’s Managing Editor.