Christoph Migotsch

Sustainability Manager and Head of Maintenance & Procurement of the SV Zeitungsdruck GmbH

He studied “Printing and Media Technology” at Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany (1996 – 2000). Worked at SV Zeitungsdruck GmbH and he established Quality Management (2001-2008) for newspapers. As Key-Account-Manager I took care of AGFA-Customers in southern Germany (2008-2013). In 2014 ChristophI switched back to SV Zeitungsdruck as Head of Purchase Department and started energy management for the printing plant. In 2017 he additionally took over the Maintenance department of SV Zeitungsdruck. 2020 he started balancing CO2-Emissions of the printing plant. in 2022 he became general manager of SV Zeitungsdruck. From 2022 he is also responsible for Sustainability-Reporting for SV Zeitungsdruck and Süddeutscher Verlag. In 2023 he finished his Masters degree in Technical Management.