Erik prior role was Editor in Chief and CEO of Oppland Arbeiderblad A/S, a leading a regional mediahouse in Innlandet and part of the Amedia group in Norway. He is also a member of the Board Fredriksstad Blad AS, a local/regional newspaper in southeast of Oslo, chairman of Oplandenes Bladeierforening, the regional union of Mediebedriftenes Landsforening in Norway (Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association). Erik was former Head of Schibsted Journalism Academy and the team in Dept of Learning and Development in Schibsted Media Company. He has held various positions as journalist and editor in regional and national newspapers, most of them in VG, Aftenposten, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet. He has experience in change management, coaching and innovation in Norway, Sweden and UK. What triggers Erik the most is the power of journalism, and how to use new technology to create quality content in a digital world.