Nacho Azcoitia

Chief Commercial Officer, Prensa Ibérica, Spain

Degree in Law and Diploma in Business Administration (ICADE, E-1) from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid Master in Commercial and Marketing Management from Instituto de Empresa, Madrid Specialist in Advertising Management from Universidad Complutense, Madrid 27 years of experience in the advertising sector (TV, Radio, Press, Internet), Internet) General Manager PI360 and General Commercial Manager Prensa Ibérica (1.5 years) General Manager YOC Spain, German multinational in the mobile and programmatic world (4.5 years) General Digital Manager (CDO) Prisa Radio, Spain and Latin America (2 years) General Digital Commercial Manager Grupo Vocento (2 years) General Manager Carat Spain, Media Agency (1 year) General Manager Yahoo! Spain and Italy (3.5 years) Commercial Director MSN – Microsoft Spain (4.5 years) Commercial Director (1.5 years) Commercial Director Madrid Onda Cero Radio (0.5 years) TV Account Executive at Antena 3 TV and Publiespaña T5 (6 years)