Sacha Morard initially embarked on a career as a professional musician. After six years of financial struggles, he decided to change his career path, taking on various jobs before making his mark as a web designer at a web hosting company. As his interest in technology grew through interactions with his technician colleagues, Sacha delved into programming. He channeled his passion for music into coding, quickly advancing from a front-end developer to a back-end developer, and then to a lead developer. In 2013, he was appointed Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for Le Parisien, where he led digital transformation projects, innovation, and the development of subscription models. He earned a solid reputation in the fields of traffic spikes management, cloud migrations, and web performance. Subsequently, Sacha Morard held the combined role of CTO/CIO and Executive Committee member at Le Monde group for six years, making a significant contribution to the media landscape over eleven years. Today, he is dedicated to Edgee, his own venture. Edgee revolutionizes data collection by leveraging edge computing. This technology overcomes challenges posed by ad blockers, web browsers, and regulations, ensuring faster, secure, and regulation-compliant data collection and processing.