Stig Ørskov is the CEO of JP/Politiken Media Group and Vice President of WAN-IFRA. JP/Politiken Media Group is one of the leading media organizations in the Nordics. The organisation manages a portfolio of several national news brands, local and global niche media, book publishing and streaming activities, and Denmark’s largest last mile distribution enterprise. The group employs approx. 3,000 people with revenues of 500 million euro in 2022. The Group primarily operates in Denmark but has been expanding book and news publishing activities to Norway, Sweden, Germany, and the UK in recent years. Before becoming CEO of JP/Politiken Media Group, Stig was COO of the group. Previously, Stig has held different positions at Politiken throughout the years such as editor in chief, business editor, and editor of analysis. Prior to joining Politiken Stig co-founded the online newspaper Infopaq and worked at different newspapers and news agencies as a business reporter. In addition to this, Stig has been co-author of several books, e.g. a bestselling biography of the Danish ship magnate Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller. Stig holds a degree in Public Economics and Regulation from Roskilde University and has studied Economics at the University of Copenhagen and History at the University of Melbourne.