World Editors Forum Board Terms of Reference

The World Editors Forum (WEF) is a membership organisation created in 1994 as a division of the World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRA FR), an association incorporated under French laws. WEF is, since June 2009, the organisation for editors and senior editorial executives within WAN-IFRA, and its function in the merged organization is detailed in article 8 of the WAN-IFRA statutes. Therefore, the following guidelines are internal rules determined by the WAN-IFRA bylaws and statutes.

The WEF encourages consensus in its decision-making.


Article 1

The qualifications for membership in the World Editors Forum are defined as follows:

– working newspaper editors, including online publications, Sunday newspapers and news magazines,

– heads and senior executives of journalism schools and institutes,

– editors from wire services,

– representatives from non-profit media organisations or media groups,

– up to five editors mandated to represent their company in WEF, provided that the company is a WAN-IFRA paying member.

Applications from other kinds of editors or distinguished persons are considered on a case-by-case basis. Admission is reserved to persons whose principal activity is related to journalism.

Article 2

Applications for membership in WEF are submitted, on the authorized application form, to WEF headquarters. Each application is formally accepted by the WEF Director. In case of doubt, the Director should refer the application to the WEF board. In such cases, the Board makes the final decision on each application at the following Board meeting.

Applications and other membership correspondence are retained at WEF headquarters in France.

Article 3

Members who leave their jobs are authorized to be carried on the roles while they are “in between jobs” for a period of nine months, unless they receive a special authorization from the WEF President and Vice President. Members can automatically move their membership if they switch from one paper to another and continue in a qualifying position.

Article 4

The applicant agrees that, if elected a member of WEF, he pledges to adhere to WEF’s guidelines and procedures and to the WAN-IFRA statutes, and to pay the annual subscription. Lack of payment for more than 18 months withdraws the right to vote until the situation is sorted out, or a special authorization is granted by the WEF President and WEF Vice President.


Article 5

Two bodies direct the WEF:

– the WEF Board

– the WEF Annual General Meeting.

Article 6

The WEF Board comprises a minimum of 10 members. The Board reflects both the diversity of the newsrooms and the common values of journalism applied by editors around the world.

Board members can resign at any moment.

Any WEF member whose membership is up to date can join the Board. The applicant must send a letter (or e-mail) to the WEF President or the WEF Director, who will acknowledge receipt of the request.

At every Board meeting, Board members decide by majority of the attendants (including proxies) if the applicant can be presented as a new WEF Board member to the Annual General Meeting (see article 8).

Article 7

The WEF Director and the WAN-IFRA CEO attend the WEF Board meetings without being members of the Board.

Article 8

The WEF Annual General Meeting represents the WEF members. The Annual General Meeting takes place during the annual WAN-IFRA Congress and the WEF Conference. The meeting is open to all WEF members (as defined in Article 1 above) and to all participants of the WEF Conference (these people without right to vote).

Every year at the Annual General Meeting, members must vote by majority of the attendants (including proxies) on the following issues:

– the minutes of the former WEF Annual General Meeting

– the WEF annual activity report

– the election of new Board members

– possibly, the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Any member who delays without special authorisation more than one year in the payment of the membership fee looses its right to vote at the WEF AGM until the payment of fees is resumed or the WEF President and the WEF Vice President grant a special authorisation.

Article 9

New WEF Board members are elected for a two-year mandate. WEF Board members can be re-elected without limitation of mandates.

Article 10

If a WEF member or a WEF Board member cannot attend a meeting, he is authorized to give his proxy to another WEF member or WEF Board member. There is no limitation of proxies for each WEF member or Board member. A copy of the document to the WEF Director is enough to validate the procedure.

If the majority is not reached during a vote, the issue is rediscussed at the next Board or at the next Annual General Meeting, in charge of the WEF Director and the WEF President to suggest a consensual proposal.

In the case of equality of votes, the WEF President’s vote makes the difference.


Article 11

The WEF President is selected from the WEF Board members who work at a newspaper. He or she serves a two-year mandate which can be renewed only once.

Candidatures to WEF Presidency are open until three months before the Annual General Meeting. The new WEF President is elected by the Board during the meeting which takes place just before the Annual General Meeting. His duties begin the day of the Annual General Meeting.

The Board is asked to find a consensus and to suggest a unique candidate. Nevertheless, a formal vote will be held. Within the Board, the vote for Presidency requires a majority of attendants (including proxies) with a minimum of six votes in favor of the candidate.

Article 12

Simultaneously, a Vice-President is elected in the same conditions and with the same requirements. In case of vacancy of the President (for any reason), he is automatically designated as new WEF President.

Article 13

As a consensual position is aimed as far as possible, votes are made by a show of hands. Exceptionally, secret ballot may be organised, if asked by six Board members or more.

Article 14

The duties of the WEF President include:

define an agenda for action and achievement during his/her mandate;

represent WEF internationally;

encourage initiatives for expanding WEF membership and activities;

represent WEF within WAN-IFRA on press freedom and editorial issues.

Article 15

The duties of the WEF board include (but are not confined to):

To attend board meetings and the Annual General Meeting;

– to debate and approve the President’s agenda for action;

– to give practical help, particularly in their own countries and regions, to achieve WEF’s objectives;

– to respond promptly to communications and requests from WAN-IFRA and WEF staff;

– to assist with WAN-IFRA/WEF action on press freedom;

– to approve an annual budget;

– to confirm new WEF members and to elect a President and Vice-President.

A board member who fails to pay his WEF membership fee for more than 18 months, or fails to attend  at least one meeting of the board in 18 months will be removed from the board (unless exceptional circumstances have prevented attendance, or unless he is granted a special authorization by the WEF President and WEF Vice President).

Article 16

The duties of the WEF Director are the following:

– present various initiatives and innovating actions to the WEF Board

– convene the Board meetings

– prepare the WEF budget for the coming year in collaboration with the WAN-IFRA staff

– apply the Board decisions

– manage the organisation on a daily basis

– write the working documents and the minutes of the Board meetings

– develop the WEF membership.

The WEF Director is appointed by the WAN-IFRA CEO in cooperation with the WEF President. The WEF Director is a WAN-IFRA staff member.

Article 17

Committees dedicated to special issues or to special areas may be created on behalf of the WEF Board. They always report to the WEF Board and, if necessary, they can admit non WEF members.


Article 18

The WEF guidelines are approved by the WEF Board. They can be modified at any Board meeting with immediate effect. The vote requires a majority of Board attendees (including proxies) with a minimum of six (6) votes in favor of the modification.

Any member of WEF can suggest modifications to the guidelines. Such suggestions should be transmitted to the WEF President, who decides whether the proposed modification should be presented at a next board meeting.

The WAN-IFRA CEO can also modify the guidelines in case they contradict French laws, which rule the WEF as a division of WAN-IFRA. The WAN-IFRA CEO will notify the WEF President and the WEF Board of the modification.

Article 19

In both cases, modifications are integrated in the WEF guidelines and presented to the Annual General Meeting (without vote).

Article 20

The present guidelines are approved by a formal vote of the Annual General Meeting to be held in Bangkok during the 20th World Editors Forum.

Guidelines approved in 2016