Traditional media turns to Instagram to report news

As more people rely on social media for news, traditional news outlets as well as startups have been experimenting with 15-second news segments on Instagram.

Google launches Newsstand application as upgrade over Currents

On Wednesday, Google announced Google Play Newsstand, a new application that combines Google Magazines and Google Currents. The new app, which was announced through the Official Android Blog, allows for users to choose from more than 1,900 publications, both free and paid.

Digital First Media plans transition to paid digital content

The incredible rise of the digital subscripiton meter model by U.S. newspaper publishers got a further boost earlier this week when Digital First Media CEO John Paton announced on his blog that all 75 daily newspapers in his group would be moving to pay meters.

Social media news consumption: YouTube bigger than Twitter for news

A new Pew Research Center study analysed characteristics of news consumers and the size of their population across social networking sites in an effort to observe how people engage with news on social media, and found some surprising results on the reach of certain social media sites.

The science of social media

The Sun in the U.K. recently announced that it will soon open up a new social media department, with six staff positions dedicated to the upkeep of all media updates.

Print is an increasingly powerful part of publishers’ revenue strategies

On the Nieman Journalism Lab web site, media analyst Ken Doctor states that newsprint should not be buried as it still enables more than 75 percent of revenue for almost all newspaper companies – with potential to grow.

Gender imbalance in the media: Women poorly represented in U.K., U.S. bylines

There is increasing research showing that women’s byline counts are lower than men’s through the U.K. national press; with a similar trend being observed in the United States.

Restrictions mean few able to see top Indian cricket star’s final match

On Tuesday, 12 November, a global news event with the potential to capture hearts around the world was commodified. Sachin Tendulkar, India’s most revered athlete, played the final cricket match of his illustrious career on Wednesday.

New media (r)evolution summit in Belgrade

On 6th November 2013 ABC Serbia celebrated its annual Media Summit in Belgrade. Manfred Werfel, Deputy CEO of WAN-IFRA (pictured), was one of the speakers in the session “new media (r)evolution”.

Malayala Manorama invests in print again

End of October 2013 Malayala Manorama, with around 2 million copies daily the 3rd largest circulation newspaper in India, ordered five double width Diamondspirit-SA newspaper presses from Mitsubishi as one further step of its project to convert its print production to double width. Executive Director George Jacob, to whom the newspaper still represents the main profit generator of the media company, decribes the progress of this large-scale project.