Moving towards digital at the Economist

Will the “purest, simplest model for online journalism” work?

What to expect in 2013

Year of the paywall, once again?

Real readers use e-readers (but tablets grab the e-books)

The migration to e-books is happening faster on tablets, but owners of e-readers still read more.

Video is essential to online news – just ask Brightcove

“Consider a page without video as a naked page”

Winners shaping the future: Gwen Lister

The Namibian, founded in 1985, faced a dual challenge: a politically repressive regime and the quest for a business model, says Gwen Lister, the paper’s founder editor and Executive Editor. The paper began with donor funding, but achieved financial sustainability after Namibian independence in 1991.

Golden Pen of Freedom Awarded to Mexican Journalist

2012-09-03. Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández was been awarded the Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom prize of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA).

Protestors at opening

At the opening of the 64th World Newspaper Congress and 19th World Editors Forum, protestors wave signs criticizing the Ukrainian government’s media policy.

Press Independence is in the Details

Sometimes press freedom is not a result of big, overarching issues, but of ensuring that many small things are properly respected.

Trevor Ncube on NewsDay, press freedom and mobile in Africa

I interviewed Trevor Ncube, Chairman of Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) in Harare, during the 2009 World Newspaper Congress in Hyderabad, India, just months before his company was about to launch NewsDay, the only independent daily newspaper in Zimbabwe. Ncube will be speaking at this year’s Congress to update us on AMH’s new newspaper but also on other developments in Africa, so it was a good time to catch up with him to see how the company’s projects are developing.