The fight for audience attention extends beyond traditional media rivals to all fields and forms of entertainment. User experience is more important than ever to avoid fatigue and friction and to attract and retain subscribers in this new landscape where competition is fierce.
Claves was born in 2020 as a joint effort between WAN-IFRA and AMI, to share best practises and seek the best solutions to the challenges facing media companies.
Claves 2021 attracted more than 300 executives from the most important media companies in the region.
This year, at Claves 2022 we will provide key insights to help better understand the new generations and how they consume information. The next wave of disruption may come from Generation Z and this is a good time to approach this critical group which has new values and particular consumption habits.
They will play a decisive role in the media’s future.
Congratulations! Despite the difficulties this year, this was a great event, excellently organised.
The panels were very appropriate to the challenges facing the print media sector.
I really enjoyed the event. There were very interesting presentations about the current digital news ecosystem and international success stories such as Stat News, and how they have managed to diversify revenues year after year.
The choice of moderators was impeccable in order to take 100% advantage of the strengths and experiences of the guests. I am very grateful for this all-encompassing experience that brings so much north for our work as journalists.