
Media Innovation Mapping – Media Innovation Labs around the world

Media Innovation Mapping research seeks to understand innovation and the organisational structures that exist with news publishers, content producers, research institutions and clusters and technology providers.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | January 1, 2017

It is a collaboration between the the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers’ Global Alliance for Media Innovation, the Media Innovation Studio at UCLan, Ubilab at PUCRS university in Brazil, Norway’s NxtMedia innovation cluster and Stibo Accelerator based in Denmark.

The project ‘maps’ innovation labs, clusters and a selection of projects globally to establish insights into a number of factors. These include how the media labs are structured, and why they were created, what type of methods they use to innovate, their products and services and stories of their successes and failures.

Together with the Media Labs, WAN-IFRA’s Global Alliance for Media Innovation is also organising live Media Lab Days, where heads of media innovation labs can meet, exchange ideas and learn from each other’s best practices. The last Media Lab Days were hosted by Media Lab Bayern in Munich.

Read about 40 Media Labs around the world.

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