
220 news brands join WAN-IFRA in 2021

2021-12-08. The WAN-IFRA Community continues to grow, with more people joining every day, whether as new members, participants in our events programme, or readers of our trend reports. Sixty new corporate members representing more than 220 news publications and online brands rallied WAN-IFRA in 2021. In the same period, a record number of more than 9,700 media professionals participated in WAN-IFRA’s programme of international events.

New Board Leaders Take Office at WAN-IFRA’s Annual Meeting

2021-12-01. WAN-IFRA has announced the election of new members to serve on its Supervisory Board of Directors at its General Assembly of Members on 1st December 2021.

Spain: El Diario’s 61K member-strong business model caters to those who cannot pay

2021-09-09. El Diario, a Spanish online-only news company, was founded in 2012 with the primary aim of reconnecting society with journalism. The company’s membership programme is built under the premise that journalism is a public service.

Passing of Jacques Saint-Cricq, first French President of Ifra in 1981

2021-08-27. It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Jacques Saint-Cricq. He joined Ifra’s Board of Directors in 1978 to succeed François-Régis Hutin (Ouest-France) and became its first French President in 1981.

Lessons from Gazeta Wyborcza’s 250K strong subscription business

2021-08-06. In a country where news is mostly consumed free and online, with no use of home delivery of newspapers, Poland’s Gazeta Wyborcza has set an example with its 250,000 strong digital-only subscription business.

„Kleine Zeitung Online-Festival“: Sechs Bands sorgten für die „Rückkehr des Live-Gefühls“

Die „Kleine Zeitung“ veranstaltete am letzten Lockdown-Wochenende in Österreich, am Samstag, dem 15. Mai 2021, an ihrem Hauptsitz in Graz (Steiermark) ein Online-Festival mit sechs heimischen Bands.

How The Wall Street Journal uses a focused approach to build product thinking

2021-07-02. The culture of working in silos has often been a major stumbling block for traditional news media houses in their digital transition process.

New Board Leaders Take Office at WAN-IFRA’s Annual Meeting 

2021-06-28. WAN-IFRA has announced the election of ten new members to serve on its Supervisory Board of Directors and the Board of the World Editors Forum (WEF). At its General Assembly of Members on June 23, WAN-IFRA presented a positive balance for the year 2020, and foresees a better-than-expected year in 2021 with a growing number of new members.