Stars4Media recent call for proposals resulted in applications well beyond the expected target. The programme received more than 80 innovation projects after its first round of applications. They represent 330 professionals from 17 countries.
Some unpaired projects are still looking for EU-based partners. It is an opportunity for news organisations to host them and have a chance to test new editorial and technological products and business models. In the last Stars4Media edition, supporting organisations told us that the programme helped them grow their network with other innovative media and tech companies in Europe and accelerate exchange best practices. They also found it drove meaningful skills-based transformation and inspired their staff and future management.
This year, partner news organisations will receive a grant of up to €16 000 to help develop and test the selected projects in their market.
Do you want to partner with Stars4Media 2021?
- Browse through each of the projects under this link and see if anything catches your interest in the following areas: Solution journalism, impact journalism, AI, immersive journalism.
- Reach out by writing to, subject line: Partnership interest, explaining who you are, what organisation/company you work for and which initiative(s) you are interested in. Deadline 30 May.
Register to the upcoming Stars4Media virtual gathering on May 25. Media executives, academics and researchers will explore the Future of Innovation In Europe’s Media Sector with successful examples from radio, podcast, broadcasting and news, focusing on innovation benefitting the businesses. Participants will dive into transformation management and the skills needed for companies to adapt faster.
About Stars4Media
Stars4Media, co-funded by the European Commission, is the first European innovation exchange programme to accelerate media innovation by facilitating cross-border collaboration between media professionals. With Stars4Media, young professionals, media organisations and technology companies from the EU countries cooperate around bottom-up initiatives to test ideas and technologies, develop new business models and produce innovative journalistic content. For its first edition, Stars4Media sponsored 22 innovative partnerships, bridging 100 media professionals from 17 countries.
The second edition of Stars4Media was launched in March 2021 by the European Commission Vice-President Vĕra Jourová at the Media4Europe Summit. This edition runs for the coming year. After a successful first round of project applications, the second deadline for applications is July 1, 2021.
The project initiated by Europe’s Media Lab (Fondation EURACTIV) is coordinated by Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with the support of WAN-IFRA and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ).
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