Above image, clockwise from top left: WAN-IFRA's Valérie Arnould, Singapore Media Exchange General Manager Michael Chng and Danny Spears, Chief Operating Officer, The Ozone Project discussed the benefits of publisher advertising alliances during WAN-IFRA's Digital Media Asia conference.
By Xie Yihui
Hailing from the United Kingdom and Singapore respectively, Danny Spears spoke for The Ozone Project (Ozone), a publisher-built digital advertising platform that serves ads to 44 million readers of the UK’s major publications, and Michael Chng spoke for the Singapore Media Exchange (SMX), an advertising exchange jointly established by two local media giants in Singapore, Mediacorp and Singapore Press Holdings.
Spears said Ozone’s mission is “to help premium publishers extract as much value from the market as possible.”
He said the alliance differentiates from the big tech platforms by providing premium content in quality environments, with qualified users, and real consumer attention to build a brand's message in the UK, then that’s where Ozone can value-add.
Similarly, Chng said SMX focused on driving the uptake of private market deals so the revenue can be maximised for their publishers.
'A sales extension of the publisher'
Specifically, SMX focuses on the non-guaranteed opportunities whereas the publishers focus on the guaranteed ones, each with its own Key Performance Indicators and objectives.
“By looking at the lower funnel type of activation where conversion metrics become...
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