
Take our survey on the hybrid newsroom

2022-02-28. We need your input on a survey to assess the state and future of the newsroom. Will all newsrooms be hybrid? The survey will take five minutes to complete and is available in English, French German, Spanish and Portuguese.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | February 28, 2022

How are you organising your newsroom as pandemic restrictions ease? Perhaps you are pushing a back-to-office plan or will continue with home working. Is a hybrid newsroom your future? Whatever your plans, we want to hear from you.

We will present the results at this year’s Newsroom Summit, taking place on 26-28 April. 

Click on your language listed below to access the survey.

You will receive a copy of the report when it is published. All results will be anonymised and we will not share your details with anyone.

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