
28 September is World News Day. Show your support, sign up today!

On 28 September newsrooms around the world will mark World News Day. It is a news industry campaign, driven by the World Editors Forum and Canadian Journalism Foundation, to highlight that #JournalismMatters. Here is how to get involved.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | September 14, 2022

World News Day  is a platform for newsrooms around the world to demonstrate the value of their fact-based journalism on September 28.

Supporters of the campaign will receive creative materials to help drive home the message that their Journalism Makes a Difference, and is worth promoting and defending. This includes print and digital adverts, social media assets and op-eds.

We ask participating newsrooms to share the message that #Journalism Matters with your audience and to use the day to draw attention to journalism that you have produced over the past year that has made a difference to the lives of people in your community.

For more information, or to join the campaign, email  Alex Jones ( World News Day campaign coordinator.

Download our World News Day 2022 – How to Take Part for ideas on how to amplify the message.

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