
EU4 Independent Media Production Support Program 2023

2023-06-29. The EU4 Independent Media Investigative Content Production Support Program 2023 is now accepting applications. The EU-funded project EU4 Independent Media launched an investigative journalism support initiative to make it easier to produce engaging and meaningful investigations on hot-button issues.

EU for Independent Media is active in six Eastern European Partner (EaP) countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

by Vincent Peyrègne | June 29, 2023

The program, which focuses on Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, is financed by the European Union. These are just a few of the investigational areas funded through this call: organized crime, financial crime, and corruption; public safety; democracy and human rights; healthcare; environment and climate change. The funding limit per project is set at €100,000.


Beneficiaries who qualify are:

  • Press freedom and journalism non-profit organizations; Independent content production companies; Journalists/content production teams working on behalf of any of the aforementioned organizations. Legally registered news organizations serving audiences in all six Eastern partner countries, including organizations operating in exile.

Beneficiaries Who Qualify Must:

  • have been in operation for at least 3 (three) years before the proposal’s submission;
  • a minimum of 3 (three) investigations have been produced;
  • a history of respecting journalism standards or involvement in similar projects; a code of ethics, editorial rules, or participation in journalist organizations with a shared code of ethics;
  • without allowing overlap with other projects receiving EU funding.

Topics That Qualify Include, But Are Not Restricted To:

Healthcare; Environment and climate change; Democracy; Financial crime and corruption; Organized crime; Public safety and security; and Democracy and human rights.


All interested applicants must submit their applications online exclusively. Any inquiries regarding the application procedure should be sent to

Vincent Peyrègne

Vincent Peyrègne took up duties as Chief Executive Officer of WAN-IFRA in 2012. Prior to joining WAN-IFRA, he was Head of Development at Edipresse in Switzerland (now Tamedia) with responsibility for audience insights, editorial marketing research and product development, before joining the office of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

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