Global Alliance for Media Innovation

With its Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI), WAN-IFRA provides its members with new ideas and applied research by bringing the outside in, looking beyond what is already known.

The Global Alliance for Media Innovation tracks, sources, and shares these strategic resources to the benefit of both the technology entrepreneurs and the news organisations.

Our mission is to share the benefits and results of applied research and radical innovation efforts in the works with growth potential for the news media industry, and to help advancing those projects and innovations to the market.


We are witnessing the future of news media being invented right now, all around the globe, by hundreds of companies, universities, and entrepreneurs.  However, their separate efforts, research, prototypes, and roll-outs receive inconsistent attention and analysis. Many good ideas fail only because of a lack of development support. Others get hyped beyond their real value. Vital lessons and examples are not being widely enough, or rapidly, enough disseminated.


Networking and Knowledge Sharing

WAN-IFRA ’s Global Alliance for Media Innovation is a catalyst and a curator for emerging technology and service providers and research labs with growth potential in the news media sector. It keeps the news publishing international community up to date about latest trends and actionable research programs. It promotes the adoption of innovative solutions by media companies.

Applied Research and Innovation

Applied research and innovation efforts are in the works with potential value to the news media industry.  To harness this potential, WAN-IFRA builds up research teams collaborating on national and international  applied research and innovation calls. We provide news organisations with services to access international pre competitive, multi disciplinary research and innovation programs initiated by private and public funding partners, in particular the EU funded Horizon 2020 R&D framework.


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